Choosing A Home My Mother Would Love

Assisted Living Care For Wound Management

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Seniors who have diabetic foot ulcers or pressure sores may be unable to care for their wounds at home because of mobility problems, cognitive decline, poor vision, or severe illness. It is essential that proper wound care be performed as recommended by the physician because neglected ulcers and other sores may result in severe infections and tissue damage. If your loved one cannot take care of their wounds and other needs, consider an assisted living center.…

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What To Expect From A Memory Care Facility

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If you are the child of a parent that is suffering from dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, you may have contemplated having them stay at an assisted living facility if you are unable to care for your loved one on your own. An assisted living facility that offers memory care actions ensures that your parent remains safe and comfortable during their stay. Here are some of the benefits of memory care facilities to help you decide whether this type of aid can help your parent’s situation.…

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5 Luxury Features In Senior Housing Communities

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Many people senior associate housing with downsizing and living in a small place, and more simple living. However, senior living doesn’t have to be all about keeping things simple. One can also access senior luxury housing in retirement communities designed to allow one to enjoy their retirement years in luxury. #1: Swimming Pools The truth is as your body ages, participating in high-impact sports and exercise activities can become more challenging, which is why it is great to live in a retirement community where you have access to one or more pools.…

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