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Assisted Living Care For Wound Management

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Seniors who have diabetic foot ulcers or pressure sores may be unable to care for their wounds at home because of mobility problems, cognitive decline, poor vision, or severe illness. It is essential that proper wound care be performed as recommended by the physician because neglected ulcers and other sores may result in severe infections and tissue damage.

If your loved one cannot take care of their wounds and other needs, consider an assisted living center. Here are some wound care interventions your loved one can expect while residing in an assisted living center that will help prevent further skin damage while healing existing ulcers and pressure sores.

Cleaning And Dressing Wounds

Skin wounds need to be meticulously cleaned so that pathogens do not multiply and cause an infection. The nursing staff at the assisting living facility will cleanse the resident's wounds as prescribed by the physician. After the wounds have been cleaned, medicated ointments may be applied to the affected areas, followed by wound dressings such as sterile gauze or bandages.

The nursing staff will also monitor the wounds for signs of infection such as increased redness, unpleasant odor, drainage, and bleeding. If a localized wound infection is not recognized and treated promptly, it may spread via the bloodstream, causing a serious infection known as sepsis. 

Dietary Support

Nutrition plays an important role in collagen formation and wound healing. Assisted living centers have dietary department staff that prepares therapeutic meals in accordance with residents' needs. People who have diabetic ulcers have diabetes and because of this, should consume a diet comprised of complex carbohydrates, lean sources of protein, and low sugar.

The diabetic patient who has impaired skin integrity should also eat foods high in vitamin C and protein because these nutrients can help lower the risk of skin infections and accelerate the healing process.

The staff physician will prescribe a therapeutic diet for your loved one and then the nursing staff will relay the dietary prescription to the kitchen personnel. This will ensure that the resident consumes nutritious, therapeutic, and healing meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The kitchen personnel can also provide residents with nutritious snacks to enjoy between meals. 

If your senior loved one has diabetic ulcers or pressure sores, contact an assisted living center to learn more about its skin treatment intervention program. When ulcer care is routinely performed by experienced staff, the risk for infection and tissue damage is markedly decreased. Look for an assisted living center in your area that can help with any concerns you have. 
